Eldertree Project

Excerpt from “Lasting Memories” by Corey LeBlanc coreyleblanc@thecasket.ca, August 7, 2014.  The Casket

In recent weeks, as part of the Eldertree Project, an initiative of Arts Health Antigonish (AHA!), residents of Higland-Crest Home and the RK MacDonald Nursing Home have been talking with writer-in-residence Anne Simpson and emerging writer-in-residence Stacy Doiron.

The project is the first phase of a larger, trans-generational project.  According to a description, the Eldertree Project is not only a way to enhance the mental health of elders, but also “a way of keeping them involved as authentic and active leaders within the community.”  “At the same time, the project helps young artists advance as creative leaders who promote wellness through art, keep these emerging artists in the community longer, and connect them with the heritage of their elders,” it adds.

“It’s really a project whereby we gather stories, so it is not unlike Shared Stories, which was a project a couple years ago of ACALA and the RK,” Simpson told the Casket.

She said the goal with this idea; rather than have something in print, is “reaching a different audience,” which will be children.“We still don’t know what it will look like but it will be a performance – ostensibly for kids.
“It is ambitious,” Simpson added, noting she continues to work on getting the production presented in schools.