Eldertree Community Performances

Mark December 2nd and 9th on your calendars! Those involved with the Eldertree Project through Arts Health Antigonish have gathered stories and songs of elders at Highland-Crest Home and the R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home. Now they are working hard to put on several community performances. Anne Simpson and Stacy Doiron, point out that “the culmination of the project is coming soon” and that “everyone in Antigonish will want to see it”.

Mary Beth Carty, Stacy Doiron, Donald MacLennan, Noella Murphy and Rebecca Wild are set to give several rousing, humorous, poignant, and truly memorable performances in early December.

The first Eldertree Project performance for the community will be at 7 pm on Tuesday, December 2nd at the Clare Marie Auditorium at St. Martha’s Regional Hospital and the second performance will be at 7 pm on Tuesday, December 9th at the R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home.