Please note that the Feb workshop was CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER
These workshops are rescheduled to April 10-12
New registration link will be posted at a later date
AHA! and ASAP are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a workshop over the weekend of February 6-8, entitled “Narrative Medicine: The Healing Power of Story,” featuring the nationally acclaimed storyteller, educator, and literacy advocate Sheree Fitch. The event will include a public event on the evening of February 6, featuring stories in prose and poetry to find our myths and speak our truths. This will be followed by a series of participatory workshops throughout the weekend. We would love to see you at any or all of these activities!
Dr. Fitch has been a keynote speaker at conferences, schools and universities throughout Canada. She holds honorary doctorates from St. Mary’s, Acadia and Saint Thomas Universities, and is Honorary Spokesperson for the New Brunswick Coalition for Literacy and for the NS Read to Me Program. Her work as a poet, novelist, and literacy advocate has taken her to the Arctic, Bhutan, China, East Africa, Mexico and Vietnam.
I hope you’ll set aside time for this exciting opportunity. If you, or your organization, would like more information on how you can participate in this community event contact either of us:
John Graham-Pole john.gp@live.com 902 863-0396
Wendell White wwhite@ns.sympatico.ca 902 386-2722
Click for programme details and registration
This event is supported by Nova Scotia Culture And Heritage