Workshops Rescheduled to May 22-24
Greetings from Arts Health Antigonish and All of Us Society for Art Presentation!
AHA! and ASAP are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a workshop over the weekend of May 22-24, entitled “Bring Out Your Inner Artist!”, featuring the multi-talented visual artist, educator, and poet, Rose Adams.

This workshop series will include an opening talk on the evening of March 6, featuring Rose’s experience as an artist in residence working at the QEII Memory Disability Clinic. This will be followed by a series of three workshops on the topics of finding your own creative process, drawing out your inner artist, and new horizons in mental health from an artist’s viewpoint. There will also be a Saturday evening open mike event, complete with savories, sweets and a cash bar, at which Rose will lead a “poetry and paint” session and encourage others to tell their own stories of art and life and healing.
We hope you’ll set aside time for this exciting weekend.
Registration information and programme details
will be posted at a later date.
Save the dates May 22-24, Antigonish.
If you would like more information about how you can participate in this community event, please contact one of us:
Wendell White: 902.386. 2722
Adele McFarlane: or