Expressive Arts Therapist Position

Expressive Arts Therapist

Supported by Arts Health Antigonish (AHA!)

AHA! is seeking an Expressive Arts Therapist for a one year pilot. This position would be part of an Arts & Health team along with a Music Therapist. The Expressive Arts Therapist would provide individual and group support in both hospital and community settings in the Antigonish area.

  • Start date – anytime between August 1st and September 1st 2015
  • Part-time term: 7 hours per day, 4 days per week, for one year
  • 2 days per week in St. Martha’s Regional Hospital
  • 2 days per week in community
  • Successful candidate would be required to submit brief weekly reports to the AHA! steering team as part of an evaluation

If interested, we ask that you please submit your resume and a written Expression of Interest by July 3rd, 2015 to





  1. ‘Please join us in welcoming Kimberely Williams to Antigonish! More about her position coming soon….

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