Public Lecture for Humanities and Health Studies Colloquia

 “Surgeons and the Surgical Humanities”

 A Lecture by Dr. Francis Christian, University of Saskatchewan,
Surgical Humanities Program

Thursday, 13 October, 7:30 p.m., Schwartz 156, StFX

In the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Dr. Francis Christian is a busy surgeon and, at the same time, directs the Surgical Humanities Program.  This Surgical Humanities Program seeks to bring the arts and sciences together and achieves this by engaging surgeons, residents, and medical students in art, music, poetry, literature, philosophy, and drama.

In this lecture, to the joint Humanities and Health Studies Colloquia of St. Francis Xavier University, Dr. Christian will speak of the urgent need for a collaboration and coming together of the arts and the sciences; of his experiences attempting to make this happen in Saskatoon; and of his underlying beliefs of why such an engagement is essential for the complete education of the physician and the scientist.

Dr. Francis Christian is a practicing surgeon and a published poet and novelist.

All are welcome.