St. Francis Xavier University and Arts Health Antigonish (AHA!) are pleased to host guest lecturer Jill Sonke, Director of the Center for Arts in Medicine, University of Florida, on November 17 and 18, for a series of presentations and dialogue on campus and in the community. Jill is an internationally recognized scholar and dynamic presenter, as well as a professional dancer. We would like to welcome the Antigonish community to two art-filled events.

The Arts and Health
Jill Sonke, Public lecture
Thursday, Nov. 17, 7:00 p.m.
Schwartz Auditorium, StFX.
Jill Sonke’s talk will recount stories of the pioneering program at University of Florida. Now 20 years old, the Center for Arts in Medicine boasts a staff of 19 professional Artists-in-Residence, 3 arts therapists, along with 120 volunteer artists, who respond to clinical referrals and run daily programs in the visual, literary, and performance arts for patients, visitors, and caregivers at two hospitals, numerous clinics, and in community settings.
Dance for Life
Friday, Nov. 18, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Immaculata Auditorium, StFX
Dance for Life will showcase the multi-cultural Antigonish Dance Community and will unfold as a dialogue on the healing power of dance. Performers will include First Nations, Antigonish Creative Dance Association, Maureen Fraser Dance Studio, L’Arche, Ecstatic Dance Community, Scotia Highland Dancers, and StFX/Coady students and community participants representing Ukraine, India, Pakistan, and Egypt as well as Celtic, American and Acadian cultures. After each brief dance number, the performers will speak to how dance contributes to health and well-being. Jill herself will demonstrate a dance class for people living with Parkinson’s. The evening will culminate with a One World Dance, led by Sally Clark when we will invite the audience to partner with our featured dancers.