Therapeutic Touch Workshop

            Therapeutic Touch Workshop  Level One

Krieger Kunz Method

Pre-requisite:  None

Contents of Workshop:

Level 1 teaches how to do a Therapeutic Touch Treatment using the following steps:  centering, assessment, clearing the human energy field, grounding and ending treatments.  The emphasis will be on learning the basic treatment process and practicing.  The goal is to be able to do a competent basic treatment before leaving the class.  Background information about Therapeutic Touch, eg. History and the science behind will be interspersed during the day.  Therapeutic Touch can be used for healing oneself as well as others.

Download Poster PDF Healing Arts 2017 level 1 poster

Workshop Leader: Cherry Whitaker is recognized by the Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network as both a practitioner and teacher.

Location: Antigonish, RK MacDonald Nursing Home

Date:  February 24th,25th 2017  

Time: Friday evening  6:30 pm to 9:30 pm  and Saturday 9 to 4:30 pm

  • please wear comfortable clothing!!!  Beverages and snacks available in the venue

Fee:  $90.00  PRE REGISTERED      ($105.00 onsite registration)

For further information call :  Cherry Whitaker, (902) 925-2042

To register forward cheque made out to Cherry Whitaker,  1049 Lime Rock Rd., Salt Springs N.S. BOK 1P0

Please include the following information along with your cheque:



Therapeutic Touch – Level 1

February 24, 25 2017

RK MacDonald Nursing Home, Antigonish

Name:______________________________               Telephone: __________________

(as you want it to appear on your certificate)

Address: ___________________________         Postal Code:__________________

E-Mail address __________________________________________________________