Arts Canopy Report

Arts Canopy 2018: March, 2018 – February, 2019

Spring 2018

  1. Story, Movement and Song at Highland Crest Home

Artist facilitator: Olivia Rossong, 10 participants, 1 site staff person and 2 volunteers

  1. Music at Parkland

Artist facilitator: Tom Curry, 11 participants, 1 site staff person

  1. Story writing at RK MacDonald Nursing Home

Artist facilitator: Susan Walsh, 10 participants, I staff person and 2 volunteers

  1. Music at Valley View Villa

Artist facilitator: Heather Leeder, 8 participants, 1 staff and 1 volunteer

Summer 2018

  1. Story writing at RK MacDonald Nursing Home

Artist facilitator: Susan Walsh, 10 participants, I staff person and 1 volunteer

Fall 2018

  1. Story writing at RK MacDonald Nursing Home

Artist facilitator: Susan Walsh, 9 participants, I staff person and 2 volunteers

  1. Story writing at Highland Crest Home

Artist facilitator: Susan Walsh, 14 participants, I staff person and 1 volunteer

  1. Poetry at Parkland

Artist Facilitator: Janette Fecteau, 5 participants, 1 staff person and 2 volunteers

  1. Improv Theatre at RK MacDonald Nursing Home

Artist facilitator: Justin Gregg, 10 participants, 1 staff, 5 volunteers

Winter 2019

  1. Music at Parkland

Artist facilitator: Heather Leeder, 8 participants, 1 staff and 1 volunteer

  1. Music at High Crest – New Glasgow

Artist facilitator: Heather Leeder, 8-10 participants, 1 staff and 1 volunteer

Arts Canopy 2018 offered 11 10-week programs in story, improv, music, poetry and mixed media at 5 different sites in Antigonish and New Glasgow, facilitated by 6 different artists.  Staff at all 4 sites provide support during programming. Volunteer support by both community volunteers and StFX students (including StFX Service Learning students) was present in each program. Student comments on the value of volunteering with Arts Canopy have included: being their favourite day of the week, a great learning experience and influencing their plans for future studies.

The multimedia program at Highland Crest was celebrated with a booklet of the art created during their time together. The story writing program at the RK culminated in a book launch, at which all participants received a copy of the collected stories composed over the course of the programs held there. A copy of the book was donated to the library at the participants’ request. The improv program at the RK finished with a performance where residents, staff, families and community members were invited to participate.

The music program at Valley View Villa was the first Arts Canopy program held outside the Antigonish area. Heather, the music therapist facilitating the program, had facilitated programs at three Antigonish sites previously. The program was well received by residents, staff, and families. Heather is facilitating another New Glasgow program at High Crest this winter.

As a celebration of all programs, AHA! embarked on the creation of a sound installation during late 2018- early 2019. The intent is to capture the joy, the social engagement, the laughter, the stories, the poems and songs of participants during Arts Canopy sessions. Although still in draft form, we are excited to share it with you in the coming months!

In October of 2018, AHA! was invited to share our Arts Canopy program with the Alzheimer’s Society of NS at their annual conference. We were thrilled with the excitement our presentation generated and realized that what we are doing is new and exciting! As a result of this, we are in the process of crafting a book for caregivers that outlines our approach to using the arts in dementia care. This, too, should be available later this spring.

AHA! would like to extend our gratitude to the New Horizons for Seniors Program and the RK Foundation for funding Arts Canopy 2018. Many thanks to all artist facilitators, volunteers and staff supporting this program.