New sessions beginning September 5, 2022. Winter sessions January 9 – March 10, 2023.
Would you like to participate?
Are you 55 or over and living in Nova Scotia? Would you like a little fun and friendship with others singing, dancing and creating? Art Larks! Encore is for you! Led by artists from across NS (and beyond, with NS connections), Art Larks! Encore seeks to bring adults together for music, visual arts, poetry, dance, story and laughter.
Art Larks! Encore is funded in part by Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program and runs from September 5 – December 16, 2022, and from January 9 – March 10, 2023.
Art Larks! Encore is a free, fun, interactive and virtual arts-based program created for adults 55 and over. Anyone can apply and use either their own technology or a loaned iPad from AHA!, if available. All sessions are online.
See workshop descriptions. You will receive the calendar of timings and zoom links after you register.
To register today, please contact the Art Larks! Encore Project Coordinator at

Nouvelles sessions à partir du 6 septembre 2022. Jan 9 – Mar 10, 2023
Voulez-vous participer?
Vous vivez en Nouvelle-Écosse et avez plus de 55 ans? Vous aimeriez vous amuser en chantant, dansant et en faisant différentes formes d’arts? Arts Larks! Encore est pour vous! Arts Larks! Encore est animé par des artistes de la Nouvelle-Écosse et d’ailleurs (avec un lien en Nouvelle-Écosse) et a pour but de rassembler les adultes autour de la musique, les arts visuels, la poésie, la danse et les rires.
L’activité Arts Larks! Encore aura lieu du 5 septembre au 16 décembre 2022 et du 9 janvier au 10 mars 2023. Cette activité est financée en partie par le programme Nouveaux Horizons du Gouvernement du Canada.
Gratuit et amusant, Art Larks! Encore est une activité en art, virtuelle et interactive, pour les adultes de 55 ans et plus. Ouvert à tous, vous pouvez participer aux rencontres en utilisant votre propre technologie, vous pouvez aussi emprunter un iPad from AHA (si disponible).
Pour vous inscrire dès aujourd’hui, s.v.p. contactez la coordonnatrice de projet Arts Larks! Encore au

Quotes from Past Participants
The fiddler was my favorite! But all sessions were fantastic! It is great to socialize with others and makes me feel good. It is fun! Art Larks! participant
Thank you so much for the iPad. I thought because I did not live in Antigonish, I couldn’t get one to use. Thanks again! Art Larks! participant
I enjoy the recorded sessions on the weekend. They get me moving and it is nice to see a familiar face. Art Larks! participant
Beginning September 5, free, virtual programs, both live and pre-recorded, will be available for seniors living in Nova Scotia. Registration is required to access the programs. Once registered, we’ll share the links with you.
No Ipad? Need help with the tech? No problem! Let us know and we’ll help you.
Choose your day, time and art form! Join as few, or as many, sessions as you’d like! There will be programs offered for 12 weeks…we’d love to see you there!
Although free for participants, registration is required to access these programs. Register today for music, dance, visual arts programs! Come and play with us!
Contact Art Larks for more information or register today.
Send an email to