In 2015, the story of the Eldertree Project was made into a film called The Road Home. It is a vivid documentary film about elders and their stories by Antigonish filmmaker Corinne...
Tag: eldertree
The Road Home – March Performances Cancelled
NOTE - The March performances are cancelled.
We expect to perform again in the fall of 2015....
The Road Home: A Theatrical & Musical Journey
The Eldertree Project presents "The Road Home" A Theatrical & Musical Journey inspired by the Stories of Elders
Tuesday, December 2, 2013, 7PM
Claire Marie Auditorium
St Martha's...
Eldertree Community Performances
Mark December 2nd and 9th on your calendars! Those involved with the Eldertree Project through Arts Health Antigonish have gathered stories and songs of elders at Highland-Crest Home and the R.K....
Eldertree Project
Excerpt from "Lasting Memories" by Corey LeBlanc, August 7, 2014. The Casket
In recent weeks, as part of the Eldertree Project, an initiative of Arts Health...